Our History

Since its founding in 1902 by Reverend William B. Musselman and a devoted group, LifeStone Ministries has been a beacon of faith and outreach. From launching missionary initiatives to founding Union Gospel Press, we’ve evolved without losing sight of our core mission: empowering disciples to make disciples. Discover key milestones in our rich history spanning more than 120 years.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1895 history.


The Incorporated Trustees of the Gospel Worker Society

The Incorporated Trustees of the Gospel Worker Society is an organization that publishes nondenominational, fundamental Christian literature.

The first seed of this endeavor was planted in 1895 under the direction of the Reverend William Brunner Musselman, a Mennonite preacher from Pennsylvania, who then was presiding elder of his Conference.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1895 history gospel workers.


Gospel Worker Society founded in Annandale, New Jersey

Reverend Mr. Musselman and seven women founded the Gospel Worker Society, a society of Christians who had committed themselves to do the work of the gospel.

Their aim was to reach people who were not reached by the churches in their communities and to encourage people to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior from sin.

They achieved this through missionary meetings, daily colportage work, tent meetings, and saloon work, expanding their missions as the ministry grew.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1898 history nondenominational organization.


Gospel Worker Society becomes a nondenominational organization

Assured that the Lord wanted him to devote all his time to the missionary work, the Reverend Mr. Musselman prevailed on his church to release him from his position as presiding elder. They allowed him to do this, and in 1898, under the Reverend Mr. Musselman’s leadership, the Gospel Worker Society became a nondenominational organization.

In its early years, the Gospel Worker Society had been busy distributing denominational biblical literature on street corners, in saloons, and in other public places, but it had no literature of its own.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1902 history.


The G.W.S. Herald was published & Herald Publishing House was created

The first issue of the G.W.S. Herald was printed in 1902. This was the nondenominational magazine of the Gospel Worker Society, and its purpose was to bring sound Christian literature into the home.

The first editions of the G.W.S. Herald were printed by an outside company, but in a short time the Gospel Worker Society created the Herald Publishing House and began printing the G.W.S Herald.

The Herald Publishing House grew quickly. In addition to printing the G.W.S. Herald, the organization began to publish Sunday school literature, which was called the “Christian Life Series.”

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1907 history publishing house to Ohio.


The Herald Publishing House & G.W.S. move to Cleveland, Ohio

In 1907 the Herald Publishing House and the Gospel Worker Society moved from Pennsylvania to new headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. The organization needed to be more centrally located and also needed much more room.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1922 history literature work rename.


Literature work renamed Union Gospel Press

When the Gospel Worker Society started their magazine, they named their publishing ministry the Herald Publishing House. In 1922 their literature work was renamed Union Gospel Press.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1950 history expansion.


Expansion of Union Gospel Press continues

As the number of publications increased, Union Gospel Press was remodeled and enlarged. Eventually it was decided that an up-to-date, one-story plant would expedite production. 

This plan was put into action, and in 1950 Union Gospel Press and the Gospel Worker Society moved to the corner of Brookpark Road and Broadview Road.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 2021 history relocation.


Union Gospel Press Relocates to Middleburg Heights, OH

In 2020, the management of Union Gospel Press decided to begin looking for another location after all the Gospel Worker ladies had passed away.

Their hard work and amazing legacy will always be honored. In March 2021, Union Gospel Press moved to a beautiful building located on Commerce Parkway in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 2022 history new president.


A new President steps in

In early 2022, we welcomed our new president, Craig Wrobleski, who joins us as we look to strengthen and deepen our outreach for the cause of Christ.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 2023 history creation.


LifeStone Ministries is created

Established in 2023, LifeStone Ministries began their journey with the launch of the Illuminate Bible Series. This curriculum serves students from 1st to 12th grade, aiming to help them establish a deeper connection with our glorious God. 

Although LifeStone Ministries is just beginning, it is guided by an ambitious roadmap for the future, with the intent to empower Christian disciples to make disciples.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1895 history.


The Incorporated Trustees of the Gospel Worker Society

The Incorporated Trustees of the Gospel Worker Society is an organization that publishes nondenominational, fundamental Christian literature.

The first seed of this endeavor was planted in 1895 under the direction of the Reverend William Brunner Musselman, a Mennonite preacher from Pennsylvania, who then was presiding elder of his Conference.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1895 history gospel workers.


Gospel Worker Society founded in Annandale, New Jersey

Reverend Mr. Musselman and seven women founded the Gospel Worker Society, a society of Christians who had committed themselves to do the work of the gospel.

Their aim was to reach people who were not reached by the churches in their communities and to encourage people to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior from sin.

The acheived this through missionary meetings, daily colportage work, tent meetings, and saloon work, expanding their missions as the ministry grew. 

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1898 history nondenominational organization.


Gospel Worker Society becomes a nondenominational organization

Assured that the Lord wanted him to devote all his time to the missionary work, the Reverend Mr. Musselman prevailed on his church to release him from his position as presiding elder. The allowed him to do this, and in 1898, under the Reverend Mr. Musselman’s leadership, the Gospel Worker Society became a nondenominational organization.

In its early years, the Gospel Worker Society had been busy distributing denominational biblical literature on street corners, in saloons, and in other public places, but it had no literature of its own.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1902 history.


The G.W.S. Herald was published & Herald Publishing House was created

The first issue of the G.W.S. Herald was printed in 1902. This was the nondenominational magazine of the Gospel Worker Society, and its purpose was to bring sound Christian literature into the home.

The first editions of the G.W.S. Herald were printed by an outside company, but in a short time the Gospel Worker Society created the Herald Publishing House and began printing the G.W.S Herald.

The Herald Publishing House grew quickly. In addition to printing the G.W.S. Herald, the organization began to publish Sunday school literature, which was called the “Christian Life Series.”

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1907 history publishing house to Ohio.


The Herald Publishing House & G.W.S. move to Cleveland, Ohio

In 1907 the Herald Publishing House and the Gospel Worker Society moved from Pennsylvania to new headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. The organization needed to be more centrally located and also needed much more room.
LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1922 history literature work rename.


Literature work renamed Union Gospel Press

When the Gospel Worker Society started their magazine, they named their publishing ministry the Herald Publishing House. In 1922 their literature work was renamed Union Gospel Press.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 1950 history expansion.


Expansion of Union Gospel Press continues

As the number of publications increased, Union Gospel Press was remodeled and enlarged. Eventually it was decided that an up-to-date, one-story plant would expedite production. 

This plan was put into action, and in 1950 Union Gospel Press and the Gospel Worker Society moved to the corner of Brookpark Road and Broadview Road.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 2021 history relocation.


Union Gospel Press Relocates to Middleburg Heights, OH

In 2020, the management of Union Gospel Press decided to begin looking for another location after all the Gospel Worker ladies had passed away.

Their hard work and amazing legacy will always be honored. In March 2021, Union Gospel Press moved to a beautiful building located on Commerce Parkway in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.

LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 2022 history new president.


A new President steps in

In early 2022, we welcomed our new president, Craig Wrobleski, who joins us as we look to strengthen and deepen our outreach for the cause of Christ.
LifeStone Discipleship Ministries 2023 history creation.


LifeStone Ministries is created

Established in 2023, LifeStone Ministries began their journey with the launch of the Illuminate Bible Series. This curriculum serves students from 1st to 12th grade, aiming to help them establish a deeper connection with our glorious God. 

Although LifeStone Ministries is just beginning, it is guided by an ambitious roadmap for the future, with the intent to empower Christian disciples to make disciples.

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