LifeStone Ministries Seal of Approval

The LifeStone Ministries’ biblical seal is a process that ensures all submitted publications meet the required standards and criteria before being sold on our website. Submitted publications are reviewed by trained personnel to confirm their authenticity and accuracy. Upon successful completion of all requirements, the approval is granted, affirming the publication is biblically accurate and safe for you and your family.

Young girl writing on her notebook with book.

Biblical Curriculum

LifeStone Ministries takes great care in verifying that our Biblical Curriculum that we publish and make available to you is:

Number one in green background icon.

Biblically Accurate

Number two in green background icon.

Doctrinally Sound

Number three in green background icon.

Academically Rigorous

Number four in green background icon.


Number five in green background icon.


Biblical Historical Fiction

LifeStone Ministries takes great care in verifying that all of our Biblical Historical Fiction that we make available to you is:

Number one in green background icon.

Biblically Compatible

Number two in green background icon.

Morally Sound

Number two in green background icon.

Family Friendly

Number two in green background icon.

Clean, Honorable Language & Content

Number two in green background icon.

Historically Faithful Backgrounds

Number two in green background icon.

Conformity with Biblical Timelines

Young girl writing on her notebook with book.