by DevMozay | Dec 17, 2024
Our Bible Picture Talks is made up of three-by-four-inch cards that supplement the quarter’s lessons with colorful Bible pictures and a brief summary of the week’s Bible lesson. There is one card for each Sunday in the quarter. Sixteen cards. One-year subscription,...
by DevMozay | Dec 17, 2024
Primary Bible Learner+ is our quarterly designed specifically for young school-age children. Every lesson concentrates on a Big Idea drawn from the Scripture passage, reinforced by an array of quizzes and activities, a memory helper, a unique Christ Focus, and a tip...
by DevMozay | Dec 17, 2024
Primary Bible Learner+ is our quarterly designed specifically for young school-age children. Every lesson concentrates on a Big Idea drawn from the Scripture passage, reinforced by an array of quizzes and activities, a memory helper, a unique Christ Focus, and a tip...
by DevMozay | Dec 17, 2024
Primary Bible Teacher+ is our fully refreshed and expanded guide for the teacher of children ages six, seven, and eight. This publication is bursting with invaluable aids and supplementary material. The Bible lesson starts with a Big Idea from each passage, bolstered...
by DevMozay | Dec 17, 2024
Primary Bible Teacher+ is our fully refreshed and expanded guide for the teacher of children ages six, seven, and eight. This publication is bursting with invaluable aids and supplementary material. The Bible lesson starts with a Big Idea from each passage, bolstered...